What is the difference?

Efficient power management based on data

The Internet is connected networks all over the world. Wi-Fi is your personal wireless network within your home.

Why is a speed test not showing the speed I pay for?

There is a box (usually some type of modem) that brings Internet into your home from your service provider. In order to run a speed test against what you are paying for the speed test should be run from that device.

Why should I buy your solution?

The best thing about our solution is that we take care of it You don’t have to try and select the right kind of router, you don’t have to worry about updating firmware – we make sure it supports the latest devices, the fastest speeds and help to keep your Wi-Fi secure. We will help you place it in an area that maximizes coverage throughout your home. If you ever have any problems, we take care of it

How can I get a better signal on my patio?
The placement of your router or gateway determines where the Wi-Fi signals are strongest in your home, or outside your home. The more centrally located, the more of your home it will reach.

Other Benefits of Premium Managed Wi-fi

Easy to Manage

Guest Network

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Parental Controls

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Security You Can Trust

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Save your Money

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Consult & Planning

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Performance Measures

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Experience the True Power of Lakeland Wi-Fi

couple on couch using laptop


Why can’t I get a good signal in my bedroom?

The wireless radios in your router/gateway push service out from the device. Think about it like a speaker, the further you get away, the softer the sound is. Your Wi-Fi works the same way. The further away you get, the weaker the signal. If there are things like metal, concrete, thick walls, and mirrors, between you and the router these can weaken the signal even more.


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