Update Wi-Fi Network
New Wi-Fi 2.4 G network can be created through remote tech support if you do not have Lakeland Premium Managed Wi-Fi. A tech support specialist can make a couple of changes in our support cloud and can create the needed Wi-Fi in 10 to 20 mins. The specialist can them also help the customer setup their grill so it worked before you end the call.

A customer is having an issue with their network drops and they are calling in to have us solve the problem. They do not have premium managed Wi-Fi, so they are not provided free remote support.
We can look to see if their modem is up and working, but that where we would end our efforts. With remote support our specialist would be able to identify
- Noise on network
- Over usage of network
- Help to trouble shoot another device interfering with Wi-Fi network.
- Move devices to addition to newly created Wi-Fi networks at different frequencies.
With our remote support our specialists’ can help a customer with solve many technical issues that come up within a home or business that are non-wiring related.